Back to School Blessing Worship

A “Back to School Blessing Service” for Teachers and Students was held on August 252024.  Through the combined efforts of the Worship and Music, Evangelism and Parish Life committees, all students, parents, and teachers present received a special blessing during the service.

The worship service featured a children’s message (thank you Mike Romasco & Emily Geiger), a back-to-school blessing, and a sending hymn accompanied by percussion instruments. Special thanks to Linc Noecker, Emily Geiger, Azlyn Ramus, and Carter Ramus for their musical contributions.

A time of hospitality followed the service. Thanks to a Thrivent grant, all students and teachers in attendance were treated to a special gift to help them enjoy a great school year. A special thank you to Donna Biehl, Donna Conrad and Bonnie Kuser who were our top recruiters!